How to Write Absolutely Addictive Articles

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How to Write Absolutely Addictive Articles

Back in the 1980s, there was an ad writer named Joe Sugerman, who wrote a very successful ad for BluBlocker, and as a result of his ad, the sunglasses sold out in a single day. Sugerman repeated his success again and again with calculators, speakers, smoke detectors, thermostats, jets and mansions. How did he do it? It was his ability to keep people reading until they finish the entire ad. And he did that, by making each word of the ad interesting.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Law of Inertia also applies to copy. Conventional wisdom says that the more time you spend reading something, anything, the more likely you are to finish it.
  • Some of his axioms are philosophical truths, intended to help business owners arrive at a unique selling angle: “Never sell a product or service. Always sell a concept,” “Selling a cure is a lot easier than selling a preventative,” and “When trying to solve problems, don’t assume constraints that aren’t really there.”
  • Why should something written for the masses read like a personal message? Because people crave connection. It’s a basic human need, even in writing.

“Your first sentence is your article’s most important. If it fails to engage the reader, then you’ve lost everything that matters.”

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