How to Use Customer Service to Make Great Content Marketing

How to Create Online Surveys People Will Actually Take [Infographic]
December 21, 2016
Customer Journey
How To Learn From The Customer Journey
December 30, 2016

Customer satisfaction is the hallmark of a successful business, small or large. It drives two qualities that are priceless: Repeat business and word of mouth marketing. There may be times when your customers are not satisfied and they will let you know through complaints and questions. Do not get discouraged. The Content Marketer for your business can used this form of feedback to help your business improved.

A good Content Marketer expands your business reach by keeping relevant content available to customers and potential customers. They have the ability to analyze data from any situation and look for trends. They can study large companies and model those effective methods for your business. Understanding how to effectively address and repurpose negative feedback into new content and across various marketing platforms is the first step to calming rising uneasiness.

Key Points:

  • Self service increases customer satisfaction and lowers costs
  • 72% of customers prefer to find answers on a website
  • One-third of customer questions are repeat or common issues

Check out the Globe and Mail’s article to read what else to check to keep you moving this winter.

Read the full article here:
How to Use Customer Service to Make Great Content Marketing

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