The Psychology of Marketing: 18 Ways to Use Social Proof to Boost Your Results

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social proof

When marketing a product or service, we want the biggest bang for our buck when advertising. Robert Cialdini, suggests there are six types of “social proof” for your product. By using experts, users, celebrities, crowds, friends, and finally, certification, you can have people/groups support your product and thus achieve this goal of demonstrating social proof. Overall, business wants people to see proof that their product is a solution to their unique problem and that the company (and/or product) is trustworthy and as it’s supposed to be. Robert discusses the six ways, offering at least 18 examples of these methods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although they are very distinct in focus and goal, the science of psychology can play a key role in the field of marketing.
  • Easy ways to show social proof is by inviting experts to take over your social media, showing appreciation for mentions, sharing milestones and experimenting with (micro) influencer marketing.
  • Cialdini asserts that people take their cue, as to how appropriate an action is, by observing if those they deem as influential, act in that specific way too.

“Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.”

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