The 3 Types of Customers That Will Talk About Your Business—and The One That Definitely Won’t

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December 14, 2018
3 Types of Customers That Will Talk About Your Business

Word of mouth for a business is one way to advertise, and earning this type of free publicity from customers requires effort. There are four different types of customers categories, of which, three of them will help spread the message through by word of mouth and one will not. For instance, uniqueness in your business will prompt those who seek this type of experience to talk about your business. Fundamentals and quality is another trigger to spread word of mouth, and lastly, those who want to feel like an expert will actively provide a critic of the experience. While you may want to ignore skeptics, you shouldn’t because they’re willing to talk about their distrust with others.

Key Takeaways:

  • Talk triggers are the qualities and talkable parts of your brand that spur word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Research found that customers that will talk about your brand naturally fall into four categories: 1) uniqueness seekers 2) experience advisors 3) fundamentals fans and 4) skeptics.
  • Universal appeal is vastly overrated, and trying to impress all four of these customer categories at once is an impossible task.

“Never stop polishing your talk triggers, and don’t water them down to suit four incredibly different sets of people. The whole point of talk triggers is to stimulate a lively and compelling conversation. The only way to spark this sort of exchange is by taking a purposeful, bold stance that wears the personality of your brand unapologetically.”

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