Seth’s Blog: How to be heard

Seth’s Blog: Moving a conversation forward
January 23, 2017
Powerful Storytelling Secrets from National Geographic Travel
February 8, 2017

If you want to be heard, here are Seth’s step-by-step instructions:

Get down to business and do the work.

Before you comment or add your opinions to a conversation, get the work done and do some research.

As Seth says, “spare the snark.”

Pay your dues.

Talk about shared truths, shared standards and shared objectives.

When something doesn’t go your way, don’t blame the ref.

Before you contradict someone, think about what the other individual is attempting to say. You may actually agree with the principle even if you disagree with how it was said.

On the off chance that you need to influence or persuade, then focus on the benefits, and abstain from joining the swarming mob.

Convert over six individuals before you attempt to change the mind of sixty.

Tell genuine, real, truthful stories.

Seth’s Blog: How to be heard

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