Ready to get started

Inbound marketing works, and proof is that you're here on this page.

This page only exists as part of our content marketing campaign, and so if you're seeing it, then you've been a part of learning about content marketing . Read on to learn more about Inbound Marketing, and how we can custom build it for your business.

Attract the right audience.

Promote your brand.

Grow your traffic.

Content is critical to attracting and engaging your audience. By creating a number of different types of content to first attract, and then engage and educate, we can help your ideal audience move along the buying funnel.

Our packages serve as a starting point and are fully customizable. This allows us to build the exact program you need to deliver on your goals while capitalizing on your businesses' strengths, time and personnel.

What will content marketing
do for you:

To succeed, you need more of the right traffic!

Our service will:

  • Expand your Facebook audience
  • Extend your reach
  • Increase social engagement
  • Increase organic search traffic (SEO) with more new content
  • Grow the strength of your brand
  • Generate clicks to your website
  • Nurture your audience and help them move to the next stage of the buyer's journey
  • Continue to engage with your target audience until they're ready to become a lead, and
  • Pre-qualify prospects for your promotional messages.


service packages (can be customized)

Just the Engine

$650/ monthly

You already have great content & just need it to work together at the right time.

  • First month setup time.
  • Content for the top, middle and bottom of the funnel provided by you.
  • Social media updates
    - Included
  • Promoting content on FB
    - Included
  • FB Ad Package
    - Extra $10/day
  • Strategy session: 1 during setup.

DIY Sourcing

$995/ monthly

You source your own content and then we write, publish & promote it to your ideal persona.

  • First month setup time.
  • You source content
  • Content curation: 4 / week
  • Commentary blog post: 1 / week
  • Social media updates
    - Included
  • Promoting content on FB
    - Included
  • FB Ad Package
    - Extra $10/day
  • Strategy session: 1 / year

Overdrive - Premium

$2000/ monthly

Increasing the frequency and adding in premium content further nurtures your relationship with your ideal persona .

  • First month setup time.
  • Source content
  • Content curation: 5 / week
  • Commentary blog post: 2 / week
  • Premium feature article: 1 / month
  • Re-publishing evergreen content
  • Social media updates
    - Included
  • Promoting content on FB
    - Included
  • FB Ad Package
    - Extra $10/day
  • Strategy session: 3 / year

Our service explained

Our process is designed to work with WordPress websites and to publish to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. All packages require a 3-month service agreement, in addition to an initial month setup. Each package is designed to work for one primary persona.

Our contracts are exclusive, so we only work with one company in an industry in one geographic region. This keeps our strategy and methodology unique and protects you. However, this also means that we may not be able to work together if you're not the first one to sign-up.

How well does it work? Read our case studies.

Get started risk-free. If we can't help you or if you decide we can't help you after our first strategy session, then we will refund you 100% of the setup fees and remain friends.


After our first month of setup, then we'll start our content engine.

Content curation on social channels. At the top of the funnel, we create a social post with a quote comment and link to content likely to attract your preferred persona.

Commentary blog post. Written executive summaries published on your WordPress blog helps educate your persona on topics related to products and services your business offers.

Premium feature article. Unique 400-500 word articles published on your WordPress blog about solutions to your persona's problems.

Social media updates. We configure our proprietary softwares and pre-defined marketing workflows to publish content to your social channels.

Promoting content on Facebook. We promote different types of content to audience at different stages of the marketing funnel and buyer's journey within your daily budget.

Get Started.

Contact us

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You have a cool company. But your online presence needs a boost.

We can solve that problem together, it’s time we were introduced.

Let's have a chat.