How to Repurpose Content and Make the Most of Your Marketing

Marketing Using Conversion Psychology
5 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Using Conversion Psychology
September 26, 2017
Characteristics of Shareable Content
Characteristics of Shareable Content
October 18, 2017

There is a way to repurpose content and make the most out of your marketing. Like most professions these days, marketers always have too much to do and not enough time to do it. They are under pressure to consistently deliver very high quality content that their audiences want, and in the way your audience wants it – in their preferred channels. If you are on a small team, then this is even further magnified. When you have limited resources, then you need to reach as far as you can to succeed.

Key Takeaways:

  • When creating content, start with strong research. This includes keyword research to give you hard data and ensure people are going to care about the content you’re creating before you get too far into your process.
  • When you’re creating graphics for your blog post, create a few different versions sized appropriately for your social networks. Consider which types of graphics you could both embed in your blog, and share on social media.
  • Before you start, study your stats to determine which content has done well for you in the past.

“Repurposing content simply means taking one asset and reusing it somewhere else. That sounds simple enough in theory, but it can get tricky in execution. To really make it work, it helps to produce content with repurposing in mind, so you can easily slice and dice it into different formats.”

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