No, You’re Not Getting a Facebook Dislike Button (Yet)

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March 7, 2018
You're Not Getting a Facebook Dislike Button

The dislike button isn’t here quite yet. In 2016, Facebook gave us the heart and smiley, but no “nope.” However, this feature may currently be in the testing phase on some public pages. It isn’t a dislike, but rather a way to down vote the post. It in essence flags the content by giving it a thumbs down. We may be on our way to getting something more robust than something we don’t agree with, or maybe not so robust, but much more immediate.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many people have long been begging facebook for the addition of a “dislike” button – especially given the spread of fake articles.
  • Facebook recently confirmed that such a measure would not be implemented any time soon.
  • The company plans to take other measures to combat negative and false posting through curation of its content.

“This change helps Facebook identify content that users don’t want to see, and I’m not sure that the person you’re interacting with will know they’ve been downvoted.”

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