No Internet, No Problem: 12 Tips for Staying Productive Offline

The 10 Facebook reactions we actually needed
December 5, 2016

The Internet is such an integral part of our existence, that it is hard to imagine a moment when you don’t have access to it. When we get disconnected it may seem all is lost and there is nothing productive to do, but as this article suggests there are still plenty of things to do when you are offline.

Offline you can use the Pocket or Google Play Newsstand app, listen to podcasts, or make a playlist of music you want to hear. If you want to stay focused on tasks, then do things like brain dump ideas, develop topics for blog posts, or explore a computer program for a change. Alternatively, interact with people face-to-face or make phone calls you haven’t had time for. Write thank-you notes, read a book, or just relax while you are offline.
Losing your Internet connection may not be so bad afterall – as long as it is only once in a while.

Read the full article here:
No Internet, No Problem: 12 Tips for Staying Productive Offline

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