How to Improve Your Facebook News Feed Visibility

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How to Improve Your Facebook News Feed Visibility

If your business is going to be posting on Facebook, it is important to have a clear understanding of how the algorithm works when it comes to different types of posts. Certain techniques when publishing can be used to reach more users on the platform. For example, businesses can utilize the link preview format in order to increase their exposure and show up in more people’s news feeds. If you’re using click bait headlines, you’ll likely find that your post won’t show up as much because Facebook has found that users don’t like this type of content, and so Facebook’s algorithm will downgrade these posts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use text and links with a preview to get the most visibility on a news feed when sharing a text article on Facebook.
  • Encourage users to engage with your content, both by spending a significant amount of time spent at the link destination and user engagement on the update.
  • Identifying what kind of updates Facebook’s algorithm likes (especially after every algorithm change), allows you to optimize your social media strategy for success.

“Bottom line: If you’re going to share a link, use a link preview. If you’re going to share a photo, don’t put a link in the caption.”

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