The Future of Content Marketing: How People Are Changing the Way They Read, Interact, and Engage With Content

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Future of Content Marketing

It’s no secret that as technology evolves, the way that consumers interact with content is ever-changing. People in today’s society are searching for content, and there has been a dramatic increase in content consumption. The form of content that consumers currently prefer is video, followed by social media posts, and news articles. And, the way people are finding this content is being influenced by technology, which has given rise to the introduction of voice commanded searching and its popularity. The original article takes an in-depth look at the statistics and breaks them down by different demographics and regions to help show where content marketing is today and where it is going.

Key Takeaways:

  • Technology innovation has enabled incredible changes in the human behaviour. If we look back just 20 years, we can see how the creation of the Internet, then social media and mobile changed how, when and where we engaged with information.
  • Changes in overall browsing behaviour, new content consumption preferences, adoption of voice search and increased viewership of video content.
  • The next forms of content on the list reflect people’s changing browsing behaviours – video ranks very highly, followed by online courses, research content and interactive tools.

“Today, we’re in the beginning of another period of major change — where a number of innovations and shifts (to AI, bot platforms, voice based search, and further proliferation of video content, coupled with mobile-first consumers coming of age) will have a big impact on how marketers, and businesses in general, get things done.”

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