Forget SEO (And Surprise Google Updates)

Write Content That Search Engines And Humans Love
How to Write Content That Search Engines And Humans Love
April 10, 2017
My Marketing Campaign Sucks…Now What?
My Marketing Campaign Sucks…Now What?
April 14, 2017
Forget SEO (And Surprise Google Updates)

Nowadays, it isn’t necessary to cater your website to search engines. In the past, it used to be that in order to properly market your business, you would need to use the correct number and the right keywords on your site in order for it to appear in a search engine results.

Now, you should focus on designing your site using language of everyday people. It is essential to do research to find out exactly what the language of your average consumer uses. And then when writing your site, try to use that language, rather than using artificial sounding language that a search engine would pick up. Search engines are just robots, and you are trying to sell to real humans.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you’re executing on your content marketing strategy, what you say is crucial. But when it comes right down to engaging and converting your intended audience, how you say it becomes the definitive difference.
  • You’re simply doing content marketing poorly if you’re not discovering and addressing the related topics that your prospects care about. And once you’re covering the topics that matter, and using the language your audience uses, you’re doing most of what matters for search engine optimization.
  • Ranking number one in Google for a coveted search term means nothing if that traffic doesn’t further a business objective.

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” – Mark Twain

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