Facebook F8 2017 Recap: 10 Major Announcements Every Marketer Should Know

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Facebook 10 Major Announcements

Facebook changes every year and some of the best changes we look forward to are implementing new tools. What is this year’s big change? Augmented reality. This means Facebook marketers will have a number of new ways to reach and convert. Objects in real life simulated or Facebook “spaces,” where people can interact, opens the door for real world products to be shown in virtual settings, easily. Facebook also introduced new camera options, including the ability to add GIFs, and filters through Facebook. Allowing marketers to brand both to promote themselves. For marketers, there are several analytic and helpful new additions to make targeting and interacting with consumers more seamless.

Key Takeaways:

  • The biggest announcement from the conference is that Facebook will be moving towards using augmented reality to connect us with our family and friends (and maybe brands).
  • Mark Zuckerberg launched the Facebook Camera Effects Platform — a platform that allows developers to create frames, masks, and special effects (or filters and lenses as we might be used to now) for the Facebook camera.
  • Facebook Spaces is “a new VR app where you hang out with friends in a fun, interactive virtual environment as if you were in the same room”.

“When Facebook makes augmented reality mainstream (probably within the next two to three years), marketers will have an entirely new channel for reaching and connecting with their audience, just like when social media became mainstream many years back. The possibilities could be endless!”

Read more: Facebook F8 2017 Recap: 10 Major Announcements Every Marketer Should Know

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