Data Is Cooler Than You Think. Here’s What Marketers Need to Know About It Today.

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Data Is Cooler Than You Think

Data is a lot cooler than people may think. Today’s marketers need to know more about it than in the past, because it’s data that powers custom experiences. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest growing technologies, and is often used to create an experience for people that is completely immersive, but we need data to drive it. Experiences that are data powered allow marketers to “show” instead of “tell.”

Key Takeaways:

  • We live in an age of ROI and increasingly marketers are called upon to prove their campaigns matter.
  • AI allows marketers to compile that data to use effectively and instantly.
  • Creating meaningful experiences require data to make sure that all parts are successful, not just the blockbuster parts.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is, in my humble opinion, one of the most important and rapidly-growing frontiers in technology. Take machine learning, for example. It’s what allows us, including marketers, to observe, learn, and make conclusions on audience behaviors and preferences … thanks to the ability of a machine to process the data related to these items much more efficiently than humans can do alone.”

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