What to Do When Your Content Falls Flat: 6 Ways to Recover

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February 6, 2018
What to Do When Your Content Falls Flat

Content marketing has been become increasingly popular because it’s significantly less expensive than traditional marketing, and it also tends to produce more leads. But there is still risks and no guarantee that each individual article will be successful. If a post under performs, it’s worthwhile to see why it failed and learn what you can do differently next time. From checking the time it was posted to ensuring it is easily shareable to boosting your post to re-purposing the article’s content and surveying your audience, these are all ways to improve.

Key Takeaways:

  • In order for a piece of content to generate maximum engagement, you need to make it as easy (and as worthwhile) as possible to share it.
  • You’ll receive the best results if you post when your audience is the most receptive, so do a little research to see when that is.
  • Don’t assume you know what your audience values — find out for certain by asking them.

“Research shows that content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing, yet produces 3X as many leads. Because the rewards for executing effective content marketing are so high, it’s no surprise that … 70% of B2B marketers were planning to create more content. “

Read more: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/what-to-do-when-your-latest-content-piece-falls-flat

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