Team Brave

April 5, 2017

6 SEO Friendly Tips to Improve Site Speed on WordPress Blogs – Copyblogger

SEO (search engine optimisation) is key for all websites, especially because of high-speed internet and the widespread use of mobile phones today. Here are six ways […]
April 4, 2017

Seth’s Blog: Nickels and dimes are worth less than that

People never think about keeping the change they get from certain places because they don’t think it has any value. However, if you invest in things […]
March 29, 2017

The Facebook Algorithm: What You Need to Know to Boost Organic Reach

Facebook has been systematically cutting back Facebook Pages’ organic reach for years, most notably with brands and most recently with publishers. For anyone who uses Facebook […]
March 28, 2017
Improve Your Social Media Profiles

12 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Profiles in One Hour

While you may be spending lots of time on social media channels, when was the last time that you checked or updated your profile? Whether it […]
March 23, 2017
Future of Content Marketing

The Future of Content Marketing: How People Are Changing the Way They Read, Interact, and Engage With Content

It’s no secret that as technology evolves, the way that consumers interact with content is ever-changing. People in today’s society are searching for content, and there […]
March 22, 2017

15 Inexpensive but Effective Ways to Motivate Salespeople

You don’t always have to spend a lot of money whenever you want to do something special and motivate your sales force. Sometimes it’s just nice […]
March 21, 2017
Marketing Using Conversion Psychology

5 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Using Conversion Psychology

Marketing your products/services is a more of an art than a science. The best methods used are ones that have been used successfully in the past. […]
March 20, 2017

The 2017 Facebook Image Sizes Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

Without engaging visuals it is difficult to generate interest in your Facebook Posts. To help you TechWyse has created an infographic with the latest sizes and […]
March 14, 2017

6 Steps to Content That Is Easily Shared

It’s easy to focus on the number of likes, comments and shares. For many marketers and business owners, this is the way that we can see […]
March 13, 2017
Social Media Experiment

How to Run a Successful Social Media Experiment

Social media is constantly changing, and if you use it for marketing, you need to be prepared to alter your strategies as often as social media […]
April 12, 2017
Forget SEO (And Surprise Google Updates)

Forget SEO (And Surprise Google Updates)

Nowadays, it isn’t necessary to cater your website to search engines. In the past, it used to be that in order to properly market your business, […]
April 11, 2017

How Visuals Will Impact Marketing in 2017, According to New Data [Infographic]

Experts expect that visuals will greatly effect marketing in 2017. Visual components are proven to help with memory recall and article that contain graphics get double […]
April 10, 2017
Write Content That Search Engines And Humans Love

How to Write Content That Search Engines And Humans Love

In the debate between writing for search engines and writing for humans, Coschedule believes you can do both. First the author describes making your site search […]
April 5, 2017

6 SEO Friendly Tips to Improve Site Speed on WordPress Blogs – Copyblogger

SEO (search engine optimisation) is key for all websites, especially because of high-speed internet and the widespread use of mobile phones today. Here are six ways […]
April 4, 2017

Seth’s Blog: Nickels and dimes are worth less than that

People never think about keeping the change they get from certain places because they don’t think it has any value. However, if you invest in things […]
March 29, 2017

The Facebook Algorithm: What You Need to Know to Boost Organic Reach

Facebook has been systematically cutting back Facebook Pages’ organic reach for years, most notably with brands and most recently with publishers. For anyone who uses Facebook […]
March 28, 2017
Improve Your Social Media Profiles

12 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Profiles in One Hour

While you may be spending lots of time on social media channels, when was the last time that you checked or updated your profile? Whether it […]
March 23, 2017
Future of Content Marketing

The Future of Content Marketing: How People Are Changing the Way They Read, Interact, and Engage With Content

It’s no secret that as technology evolves, the way that consumers interact with content is ever-changing. People in today’s society are searching for content, and there […]
March 22, 2017

15 Inexpensive but Effective Ways to Motivate Salespeople

You don’t always have to spend a lot of money whenever you want to do something special and motivate your sales force. Sometimes it’s just nice […]
March 21, 2017
Marketing Using Conversion Psychology

5 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Using Conversion Psychology

Marketing your products/services is a more of an art than a science. The best methods used are ones that have been used successfully in the past. […]