How Struggling to Get Your Facebook Posts Seen is Great for Realtors

Realtor Marketing the Right Way
June 8, 2018
Why People Give Realtors the Wrong Email Address & How to Fix It
June 8, 2018

Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement earlier this year to reduce the priority of posts for Facebook pages may appear to be bad news for realtors, but actually it’s a good thing.

Often, a realtor’s Facebook page can become a depository of endless listings, and while it’s important and worthwhile to showcase your homes, it can be overwhelming to most people, and especially anyone who’s not ready to buy or sell yet.

For instance, let’s say that someone is in the situation where they’re frustrated with their current house. Somehow it just isn’t as perfect as it once was. Maybe they bought their house when they were single or before kids or while their kids were still living at home, and since their stage of life has changed, their home is causing problems for them. They’re starting to really notice that their current home doesn’t fit their needs, and they’re unsure what to do about it. In other words, they are may be aware they have a problem, and they’re researching what their options are – renovating, selling, renting, buying, etc.

Now if this person were to see all your listings, they would be overwhelmed because that type of information isn’t what they want to see right now.

Instead, they would benefit from some educational content about what’s happening in the marketplace.

  • Can they sell their current house?
  • How can they maximize the money they can get for their home?
  • How much of a mortgage can they qualify for?
  • What kind of home would best suit their lifestyle?

And so, the reason why Facebook’s newsfeed changes are beneficial to real estate agents is that it allows you to talk to each person with the right message.


Because any of your Facebook page’s posts need to be promoted to be seen, this means you can tailor your message for each of your different audiences. By using a content marketing strategy whereby you develop different content for each buyer’s stage, and then deliver it when they’re ready to see it.

This means you can continue to post all your listings on your Facebook page, without overwhelming people with information they’re not ready to see yet.

As people continue along the buyer’s journey from the awareness stage to the consideration stage and eventually to the decision stage, you can then change what they see from you. They’ll appreciate and respect the fact that you’re speaking “their language.”

If you want to learn more about content marketing, read: Realtor Marketing the Right Way.

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