Why Today’s Bloggers Spend More Time Writing Less Content

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Bloggers Spend More Time Writing Less Content

While videos, Stories, and Snaps are growing in popularity, writing is still important. We’re currently seeing a shift from high frequency to lower frequency, longer pieces and higher-quality content. 49 percent of bloggers say that spending more time (6+ hours) on each post makes a difference and gives them better results. Although success may not be due to more time spent crafting the message, but rather more time and attention to creating relevant articles better suited for the audience’s needs and interests. There is also a trend to use paid promotion and update older posts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bloggers are still writing, but what they write and the frequency is changing.
  • Instead of 500 words daily, they may be moving to weekly or even monthly posts.
  • The focus seems to be on quality over quantity to keep their reader’s interests peaked.

“According to the report, the average blog post takes a whopping three hours and 20 minutes to write.”

Read more: http://www.convinceandconvert.com/content-marketing-research/todays-bloggers-spend-more-time-writing/

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