Phone Photography 101: How to Take Good Pictures With Your Phone

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August 1, 2017
Toward dumber
August 16, 2017

Camera innovation has come along way since the early 2000s. Once upon a time, a user could not have access to a camera without additional add-ons. Today, high-quality pictures can be taken almost at will, with editing tools at the user’s disposal.

Still, even with quality photos, there are ways to improve the quality to their satisfaction. One way is to access the camera’s gridlines. Gridlines allow the user to balance and level the photo. To create a photo with uniqueness, the user should utilize several different angles to create an illusion of though provoking effect. All of these tools display several different ways for the user to be satisfied with their photo; creativity is literally in their hand.

Read more: Phone Photography 101: How to Take Good Pictures With Your Phone

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