My Marketing Campaign Sucks…Now What?

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May 1, 2017
My Marketing Campaign Sucks…Now What?

You poured your time, money, resources and great ideas into your latest marketing campaign, and then after you launched it, the results have been lacklustre. In post campaign analysis, it’s time to check if all the different elements were working together and aligned with the buyer’s journey. Did you also capture and nurture leads for your sales teams? If your campaign was missing any of these elements, it could explain your results.

Key Takeaways:

  • If your campaign does not support the way your target persona wants to buy, it will be nearly impossible to see positive results.
  • The golden rule: If a metric can be analyzed and potentially contribute to the success of a campaign’s objective, benchmark it!
  • When creating a new campaign, a good place to start is at the beginning of the buyer’s journey – optimize the campaign assets associated with the Awareness Stage first, then the Consideration Stage, and finally the Decision Stage.

“Essentially, the cause of the change in buyer behavior is a result of the gradual shift of an informational advantage from the seller to the buyer. In today’s economy, the buyer has all the power!”

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