How to Run a Successful Social Media Experiment

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Social Media Experiment

Social media is constantly changing, and if you use it for marketing, you need to be prepared to alter your strategies as often as social media channels change.

Test social media by running several versions of your content to see what works is the best was to find success. For a successful experiment, don’t use too many variables, determine how you will define success, and measure results to calculate if you’ve achieved your targets. If you experiment goes well you might want to keep the same strategy, but it’s good to take a second look, tweak headlines and design appeals. You also should. Consider your time of day that works best, shift your focus on your customer and product, and change your call to action if needed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Once you develop your social media marketing strategy, you must constantly alter your content delivery and stay in touch with the people who value your brand.
  • Even with a small staff you can run social media tests regularly to hone in on the key elements of a winning social media post for your brand.
  • No matter how engaging and well-written your promoted content is, it will get lost in the shuffle if the headline doesn’t generate excitement.

“To grow, you must constantly alter your content delivery and stay in touch with the people who value your brand.”

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