5 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Using Conversion Psychology

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Marketing Using Conversion Psychology

Marketing your products/services is a more of an art than a science. The best methods used are ones that have been used successfully in the past. HubSpot recently identified five areas that will affect customers, and how you can make enhancements to your materials to get better results.

Strategies include looking at the Law of Past Experience, the Psychology of Happiness and Pain, the Psychology of Cost-Benefit Analysis, Gather Allies and Positive Anticipation. Each of these principles can be applied and implemented into marketing elements such as landing pages to optimize conversion rates and produce happier customers. Rethinking the psychology and strategy used in our marketing can sometimes be the difference between a huge success or another mediocre result. Check them out, you never know; they may well be worth your time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Psychology plays a part in every element of your marketing strategy, but it is not always given the consideration it requires.
  • The law of past experience states that a prospect’s previous experiences, whether it involved your business or not, will contribute to their current experience.
  • The magnitude of pleasure reaches its limit in the removal of all pain.

“How prospects interact with your product or service is entirely dependent on how well your brand aligns with their personal vision. One of the first things they are going to do when interacting with your brand is compare it with past experiences of their own.”


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