7 Sales Terms Reps Should Stop Using ASAP

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Sales language has been proven to have a huge impact in profits and success rates. For example, the term “leads” will make a prospective customer feel like a data point, whereas referring to them as a “future client” makes them feel like part of the team. Switching titles from “sales rep” to “advisor” is much more powerful and humanizing. Having a “conversation” in contrast to a “sales pitch” gives differentiation to each customer and makes them feel more part of the process.

Be “collaborative” in trying to “finalize a sale” with a customer and replace “negotiation” with “teamwork” so that everyone can walk away satisfied. A big part of this teamwork is listening to your customer. They need to place a value on the product and fit their budget not your bottom line.

These changes in language and approaches can make a big difference in your ability to sell and overall customer satisfaction.

7 Sales Terms Reps Should Stop Using ASAP

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