5 Under-the-Radar Social Media Studies to Make You A Smarter Marketer

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Social Media Studies

Here’s the down and dirty of how social media is changing the face of traditional marketing. For instance, did you know that Facebook is 2x more popular than the next most-popular social network. Or, did you know that 1/3 of Instagram users use it for surveillance or that social media is proven to increase consumer loyalty?

Knowing these stats is only one part of the equation, the next step is what to do about it. And Buffer dives into these important findings and then shares some revealing strategies that could put you ahead of the curve when it comes to psychology of human interaction, gamification, and consumer relationships with brands in the marketing world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Facebook is one of the best platforms for marketers to reach their audience.
  • The researchers discovered that Facebook users are much more engaged than other social media platform users.
  • Knowledge-gathering is the No. 1 reason people use Instagram, followed by Documentation.

“Surveying 1,520 U.S. adults above the age of 18, the researchers found that Facebook is still the most popular social media platform — and by a huge margin. The percentage of U.S. adults on Facebook (79 percent) is more than twice the percentage of adults on Instagram (32 percent), Pinterest (31 percent), LinkedIn (29 percent), or Twitter (24 percent).”


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